Age of Empires 3: The Warchiefs Cheats Trainer

Age of Empires 3: The Warchiefs

Work on All  (+6 TRAINER) 100% working






10,000 Coin give me liberty or give me coin
10,000 Food medium rare please
10,000 Wood
10,000 experience points nova & orion
100X Gather/Build rates speed always wins
Disable fog of war x marks the spot
Win scenario this is too hard
Spawn Mediocre Bombard ya gotta make do with what ya got
Town Center instantly kills all units it attacks tuck tuck tuck
“Musketeer’ed!” when killed by Musketeers sooo good


The campaign, which is 15 missions long, includes the Black family in a more historical setting. The first act, Fire, follows Nathaniel Black (John Black’s son and Amelia Black’s father) as he spends the family’s entire fortune supporting the American Revolution. The second act, Shadow, follows Amelia Black’s son, Chayton Black, and his actions in the Black Hills during Red Cloud’s War and Great Sioux War. The home city for both acts is the Black Family Estate.


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1 Response to Age of Empires 3: The Warchiefs Cheats Trainer

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